三天的连假,除了出国旅行之外,也是cuti-cuti malaysia的好时机。 趁着16/9的马来西亚日假期,槟城怡保云顶北上的那段路程必定是塞车之事,所以决定带着脚车来个南马游。 但也未必没塞
It has been years since my last road trip with my family. My dad decided to head over to Batu Pahat for a day trip on last Saturday. It was an impromptu trip as he decided a night before. He woke us up early morning and start out road trip by taking the route from Kulai, Johor.
With more than 350 Taoist temples, Batu Pahat is the district with the most temples in Johor. These old temples stand the test of time.
Making a food trip to Batu Pahat? Check out the top best food in Batu Pahat, recommended by a born and bred local - Ah See Wanton Mee, Soon Lai Kueh Chap...
如果您是位美食猎人,那不妨邀约身边的食客,一起到峇株巴辖展开美食探索之旅! 以下是小编到峇株巴辖时,所品尝到的美食,希望大家也能品尝到这些好味道! (p/s:排名不分先后。) 01-张亚泗云吞面 张亚泗云吞面从1935年以小档口经营,至今店铺已传到第三代负责打理。张亚泗云吞面和吉隆坡的云吞面非常不一样,他们的云吞面没有使用黑酱油,所以面都呈现奶白色,而添加辣椒后的云吞面则呈红色。在这里,你可以放心用餐,因为不管是制作面条、叉烧或是云吞,都由张亚泗经营
When you think of Batu Pahat in Malaysia, the caves may come to mind first. Today, we’ll cover the things to do and attractions in the town of Batu Pahat! 1. Where to stay in
23 Dec 2012 【快乐美食之旅】~~~ Batu Pahat,Muar 23 Dec 2012 一日游 和几位朋友约好了去Batu Pahat 和Muar 去一日游找美食吃~~ 早上便开车