

    • CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      1. Oct 30, 2023
      2. globalfoodelicious.com
      3. Review

        這次吃的是台北海峽會辰壽司割烹的 2023 大閘蟹宴菜單 , 不僅有蟹肉omakase , 也有 鍾謦謙料理長 準備的各種蟹黃 , 海膽, 黑鮪魚菜餚.We dined at CS Club Sushi Kappou restaurant at Taipei City for its special and seasonal crab menu. Besides crab meat omakase, Chef Zhong also prepared various maguro, crab roe and sea urchin dishes.

      1. CS Club Sushi Kappou 》在辰壽司割烹包廂品嚐海膽宴菜單 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
        CS Club Sushi Kappou 》在辰壽司割烹包廂品嚐海膽宴菜單 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
        1. Jun 24, 2023
        2. globalfoodelicious.com
        3. Review

          這次用餐地點是在台北海峽會的辰壽司割烹日料餐廳, 在獨立包廂品嚐鍾謦謙料理長準備的 omakase 客製化海膽宴菜餚 , 也吃到黑鮪魚握壽司.We dined at CS Club Sushi Kappou restaurant at Taipei City. We tasted the sea urchins omakase menu that was prepared by Chef Chian Zong at the private dining room. We also tasted the maguro nigiri.

        1. Taipei Sushi Restaurant 》 三訪終於吃到海峽會辰壽司菜單 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
          Taipei Sushi Restaurant 》 三訪終於吃到海峽會辰壽司菜單 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
          1. May 5, 2023
          2. globalfoodelicious.com
          3. Review

            這次三訪海峽會辰壽司 , 品嚐日籍料理長 阪口琢磨 準備的 NTD $7500/人 頂級 omasake 辰壽司午餐菜單, 內有 榮獲 500 盤之一的「 日本小肌壽司 」.I finally dined at Taipei CS Club Sushi restaurant. I tasted the NTD $7500/per person High-End Lunch omasake menu that is prepared by Japanese Executive Chef Sakaguchi Takuma. Kohada Nigiri is also one of the dish…

          1. 辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》二訪吃雙活蟹會席料理 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
            辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》二訪吃雙活蟹會席料理 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
            1. Jan 12, 2023
            2. globalfoodelicious.com
            3. Review

              這次二訪海峽會辰壽司割烹會席 , 多了一個新類別 - 會席 , 品嚐日籍料理長門間賢彥準備的雙活蟹會席料理美食, 日本鱈場蟹與松葉蟹一次吃好吃滿!This is my second visit of Taipei CS Club Sushi Kappou Kaiseki restaurant. They have a new category -Kaiseki. The new Kaiseki Chef’s name is Momma Tadahiko. We tried Seasonal Crabs Special Menu, which includes Japanese King Cra…

            1. 辰壽司割烹 Sushi Kappou 》在海峽會品嚐日式無菜單料理美食 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
              辰壽司割烹 Sushi Kappou 》在海峽會品嚐日式無菜單料理美食 - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
              1. Oct 19, 2022
              2. globalfoodelicious.com
              3. Review

                辰壽司割烹的無花果天婦羅被葉怡蘭選為 500 盤之一. 辰壽司割烹不用海峽會的會員就可以訂位與用餐, 很多人最關心的一個話題就是 NTD $6000/人套餐有吃飽嗎? , 我的答案是 我有吃飽, 而且跟預期一樣不錯吃
