很牛 炭燒牛排 - 台北小巨蛋店


    • TGB Steak 很牛炭燒牛排 》台北平價牛排餐廳 (內有菜單) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      TGB Steak 很牛炭燒牛排 》台北平價牛排餐廳 (內有菜單) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      1. Sep 2, 2021
      2. globalfoodelicious.com
      3. Review

        近期 很牛炭燒牛排外帶 很有名, 這次到 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳台北小巨蛋店內用, 發現這裡也是附近台北上班族聚餐餐廳的選擇之一.TGB is the initial of The God Beef. TGB Steak Restaurant’s to-go menu is quite famous these days. I went to Taipei Arena branch restaurant. It is also one of the nearby employee monthly dining choices.
