Mimi Nguyen Cafe


    • Food Review: Mimi Nguyen Vietnamese Cafe, Taman Kinrara Puchong
      Food Review: Mimi Nguyen Vietnamese Cafe, Taman Kinrara Puchong
      1. Jul 3, 2017
      2. erisgoesto.com
      3. Review

        Also ordered a steamed clam (originally wanted grilled octopus / spicy balitong but they ran out), which turned out surprisingly tasty. The clams were fat and meaty, and the broth was clear and sweet, without overpowering the seafood flavours.

      1. 【越南餐】Mimi Nguyen @ Taman Kinrara 吃Bahn-mi
        【越南餐】Mimi Nguyen @ Taman Kinrara 吃Bahn-mi
        1. Jul 24, 2016
        2. july-shinyen.blogspot.com
        3. Review

          切面张这样,有烧肉有黄瓜条有红萝卜条和香菜 一口咬下,有很多口感,脆的软的 香菜的运用让香气更多更丰富

        1. Mimi Nguyen Cafe – 越南餐
          Mimi Nguyen Cafe – 越南餐
          1. Jun 22, 2016
          2. cheating2016.wordpress.com
          3. Review

            要吃什么啊?越南餐。哪里的越南餐啊?Mimi 越南餐。 好的餐厅会让你一而再,再而三的到来。 发现很多越南人光临这间餐厅。应该代表食物很正宗吧!看着时髦的越南小妹,听着动听的越南歌曲,吃着正宗越南小食。很有feel一下。 今天想试试不一样的越南餐。 过了午餐时间,想吃点小食。经过服务员的介绍,我们order了这个道地的Banh Xed (越式煎饼)。 看见这盘好像roti telur can…

          1. Off-Zhore Piranha: Mimi Nguyen Cafe at JLN PPK4 / JLN Puchong
            Off-Zhore Piranha: Mimi Nguyen Cafe at JLN PPK4 / JLN Puchong
            1. Feb 4, 2016
            2. offzhore-piranha.blogspot.com
            3. Review

              To conclude, I am so satisfied with my visit to this shop and tust me, it’s worth a visit. I wouldn’t say that it’s the best Vietnamese cuisine in KL but it’s the best I visited so far. Authenticity level 100%!

            1. Mimi Nguyen Cafe @ Taman Kinrara, Puchong
              Mimi Nguyen Cafe @ Taman Kinrara, Puchong
              1. Jun 25, 2015
              2. zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com
              3. Review

                熟悉越南文化或是有越南籍朋友的,应该都知道 Nguyen 是越南人很普遍的姓氏。所以当我经过 Kinrara 区看见 Mimi Nguyen Cafe 的时候,第一个闪过的念头就是 - 这一定是越南人开的餐馆。 自从在国外尝过由越南人烹煮的道地越南餐之后,我就甚少在国内...

              1. MIMI NGUYEN CAFE @ Taman Kinrara
                MIMI NGUYEN CAFE @ Taman Kinrara
                1. May 28, 2015
                2. www.everydayfoodilove.co
                3. Review

                  This cafe serves authentic Vietnamese food. Their signature food are Baguette (Banh Mi), Pork Chop Rice (Com Tam) and Beef Noodle (Pho). Food here are reasonable price from RM3.80 to RM14.80. Recommended order here are their pork and prawn noodle soup, Vietnamese fried spring roll, stewed beef soup and etc. which is prepared by a chef with more than 15 years of experienced.

                1. Food Blog Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor kl | Dish With Vivien » Mimi Nguyen Vietnamese Restaurant, Puchong Kinrara
                  Food Blog Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur and Selangor kl | Dish With Vivien » Mimi Nguyen Vietnamese Restaurant, Puchong Kinrara
                  1. May 22, 2015
                  2. www.dishwithvivien.com
                  3. Review

                    Nice food, must order are beef slice noodle, banh xeo savoury pancake – not in menu, and mini pancake.
