Nasi Campur Umi - Batu Ferringhi


    • Nasi Campur Umi, Batu Feringghi | Things to eat in Penang (Halal)
      Nasi Campur Umi, Batu Feringghi | Things to eat in Penang (Halal)
      1. Sep 24, 2020
      3. Video

        Nasi Campur Umi has been our go-to spot whenever we visit Batu Ferringhi, Penang. Nasi Campur is Malay mixed rice, which consists of white rice accompanied by a variety of side dishes. Nasi Campur is considered to be one of the staples food for local Malaysians and this is definitely one of the must-try Nasi Campur when you come to Penang!
