黑武士特色老火锅 信义A9店


    • 信義區美食|黑武士特色老火鍋(信義A9店)。老品新創的麻辣火鍋店 - 妮喃小語
      信義區美食|黑武士特色老火鍋(信義A9店)。老品新創的麻辣火鍋店 - 妮喃小語
      1. May 16, 2023
      2. niniyeh.com
      3. Review

        有著慶功宴專門火鍋店稱號的『黑武士特色老火鍋』在台北麻辣鍋界屹立四十個年頭,征服挑嘴的政商名流界而出名,無奈史老闆邁入退休年齡之際萌生退意,還好有新團隊接手經營,讓『黑武士特色老火鍋 』經典的芋頭排骨鍋能繼續飄香,不僅保留東豐街本店味道,更首度插旗信義區新光三越百貨A9館,可說是老品新創的台北火鍋店,值得再次回味。Hailed as the renowned banquet-style hot pot restaurant, 'Black Warrior Signature Hot Pot' has stood tall in Taipei's spicy hot pot scene for four decades. It gained fame for winning over the discerning palates of influential figures in the political and business realms. Unfortunately, as owner Mr. Shi approached retirement age, he contemplated stepping back. Thankfully, a new team took over the business, ensuring that the classic taro and pork rib hot pot from 'Black Warrior Signature Hot Pot' continues to exude its delightful aroma. Not only have they preserved the original flavors of the main branch on Dongfeng Street, but they have also opened their first branch in the A9 building of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Xinyi District. This Taipei hot pot restaurant combines the essence of tradition with innovative ideas, making it truly worth revisiting.
