Silks House
  1. 晶華軒 - 台北晶華酒店


  • Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
    Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
    1. Apr 3, 2023
    3. Review

      晶華軒 Silks House 是晶華酒店餐廳推薦, 也是台北米其林入選餐廳之一. 這次在大包廂與 其他 49 人品嚐晶華軒菜單推薦與 2023 新的粵菜菜餚.Silks House is one of the Taipei Regent Hotel Restaurants and also one of the Michelin Selected restaurants. This time, I tasted the 2023 Silks House Menu with other 49 people in a large private dining room.

    1. Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點) - 娜姐 FOODELICIOUS
      1. Mar 11, 2021
      3. Review

        (2021. 3 更新) 晶華軒是許多人台北家庭聚餐餐廳推薦首選, 因為晶華軒菜單價位並不會天價高, 三訪後不只品嚐過西施泡飯, 也有吃到其他菜色推薦.Silks House Taipei is one of the the Taipei Family Gathering Restaurants because Since Silks House menu price is not too high. Since I visited quite a few times, I have the menu dish recommendation rank list.
