Pampas Steakhouse - Old Malaya


    • World Malbec Day, Pampas Steakhouse @ Old Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
      World Malbec Day, Pampas Steakhouse @ Old Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
      1. May 8, 2017
      3. Review

        The seventeenth of April pays tribute to Argentina’s most famous grape; a global event celebrating Malbec wine in more than 70 cities all over the world. World Malbec Day took place for the first time on April 17, 2011 and has gained more exposure ever since. This seventh edition revolved around the concept of Malbec as the heart of Argentina. In Malaysia, the event took place at the Pampas Steakhouse at Old Malaya.

      1. [Food,KL] 旧马来亚殖民时代餐厅 Old Malaya - Pampas Steakhouse /1919 Bar / Kapitan Bar
        [Food,KL] 旧马来亚殖民时代餐厅 Old Malaya - Pampas Steakhouse /1919 Bar / Kapitan Bar
        1. Nov 12, 2016
        3. Review

          Stars Facebook Emoticons Pampas SteakhouseStars Facebook Emoticons是主要用餐的地方, 气氛非常棒也很浪漫 当天也有许多情侣在约会、国外游客来这里聚餐
