《日清泡麵博物館》是我非常推薦的大阪景點,尤其適合親子旅行、情侶約會前往《日清泡麵博物館》的交通方式相當方便,入館參觀免預約、不用門票,是個雨天備案也能去的大阪景點只要500円就能DIY客製化一杯專屬日清杯麵,有趣好玩又兼具寓教於樂功能,做完的杯麵還可以讓你帶回家!日清杯麵博物館 大阪池田(安藤百福發明紀念館)
Located in the Ikeda ward of Osaka, the Cup Noodle museum is dedicated to everything “Cup Noodles” and its founder Momofuku Ando.
Visit the birthplace of everyone’s favorite instant meal, and even make your own!
Osaka Castle park and museum offer the most tranquil walks, breathtaking views, and historic lessons. Here’s everything you need to know about Osaka Castle.
Osaka Castle also called Osaka-jo in Japanese, is one of the famous Japanese Landmarks. It is a stunning monument of traditional Japanese Architechture.
An enduring symbol of the vibrant city’s dramatic past.
Kids Plaza Osaka is an excellent place to take your kids rain or shine. They have three floors of activities will keep your kids active and engaged for hour
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