自從去了一趟英國後,便深深愛上傳統英式早餐,只要看到台北哪裡有賣都會想試試捷運中山國中站、南京復興站中間的《父母 FuMu》,是人氣很高的台北IG美食,白天賣早午餐、咖啡,晚上則是餐酒館賣調酒《父母 FuMu》菜單菜系以英國美食為主,生意非常好強烈建議先訂位,才不會因為客滿需要排隊父母 FuMu推薦指數:★★★★☆ 4
We first discovered FuMu, a brunch restaurant that transforms into a bar at night, last summer when it was still
台北林森北路巷弄內有一間室外裝潢頗具藍白色地中海風格的餐廳, 新開幕的Leone Restaurant & Bar 菜單 除了有非炸物主餐外, 也有創意調酒.There is a 2020 newly-opened restaurant called Leone Restaurant & Bar with Santorini design style. Besides main courses, they also offer creative cocktail.Leone 菜單在文末 》Leone Restaurant & Bar Menu is at the end of article
ABV日式居酒館 。精釀啤酒和居酒屋的配對,台北只有一間,便是坐落條通商圈的『ABV日式居酒館』,擠身台北中山區居酒屋兵家必爭之地,沒有做出差異化很難生存,除了300款世界精釀啤酒為口號,『ABV日式居酒館』以日本料理為核心,並借鑒洋食的改良,激盪出三位一體的餐酒風格,可說是自成一派,近捷運中山站的便利位置,無疑是夜歸人的深夜食堂
我是個非常愛玩桌遊的人,前陣子更是瘋狂迷上狼人殺《Game Square遊戲平方》為近期和朋友到訪,很喜歡且推薦的桌遊店店內遊戲超過600種,新款、經典款全都有,店員親切又有活力,即使我們問了遊戲相關的蠢問題,回答依舊超有耐心,讓我們都玩得很開心
Taipei Travel Geek is a guide for places to visit, restaurants, bars, events and walking routes in and around Taipei, Taiwan. Aimed at people looking for a quick visit or who wish to stay here long term.
Tucked away on one of the quieter alleys off of Linsen North Road lies Aye Taipei, a British restaurant and
One of our favourite bars in Taipei to bring visitors to is Hanko 60, a moody speakeasy in Ximen that
台北長安西路40多年老當舖改建成當舖酒吧「當吧 PAWN BAR」,在這看到台式和港式結合的復古元素。在懷舊特色酒吧中,喝著芋頭或著沙士、津津蘆筍汁等風味調酒,吃飛機餅、蠶豆酥等。更能將那些舊有的物品、回憶典當,分手後遺留的舊物、陪伴成長的回憶,又或者旅行時的累積典當,換作當票直接折抵酒費,多麽酷又有趣!
One of the most epic new additions to the Taipei bar scene has to be Parklife Drinking Room near Zhongxiao
台北中山區的 Pure Wine 璞斟酒窖菜單與酒單除了有提供單杯酒與整瓶酒外, 也有搭配酒的小點, 更特別的是璞斟酒窖有午餐搭單杯酒的特別組合.You can order single glass wine or purchase a whole bottle of wine at Pure Wine Shop. You can also enjoy the snacks and lunch with a single glass of wine set. 璞斟酒窖 菜單與酒單 在文末 》Pure Wine Menu is at the end of Article
BAR 忠 Chu 酒吧是台北中山區日本酒吧之一, 日籍 Bartender Kazy San 成功打造 Bar 忠 Chu 成為少數提供新鮮水果調酒與頗具水準餐點的台北酒吧推薦.Bar Chu Taipei is one of Taipei Zhongshan Japanese bars. Japanese Bartender Kazy San successfully build a Taipei Recommendation Bar with fresh fruit cocktail and delicious foods.
at ease 餐廳是 2021 新開幕台北餐酒館之一, 最有趣的莫過於是要站著吃 at ease 菜單與喝 Draft Land 的酒.at ease restaurant is one of the 2021 new Bistro at Taipei City. The most interesting part would be that you have to stand to eat at ease menu dishes and drink Draft Land Cocktail on Tap.
一時無酉 Abvless 是中山捷運站只開白天的台北無酒精酒吧推薦, 提供無酒精調酒飲品, 一時無酉無酒單也不接受訂位.Abvless Bar Taipei is a Taipei Mocktail Bar Recommendation near Taipei Zonghshan MRT station. They do not have menu and they don’t accept reservation in advance.
I met up with a friend last month and we went to Little Creatures. It was amusing how I had been thinking about their carbonara and my friend suggested going there because she hadn’t eaten th…
Little Creatures is an Australian brewery that opened its gorgeous branch in Taipei last spring. Specializing in fantastic craft beers
『ABV 加勒比海餐酒館』是一間不分年齡層的啤酒餐廳,上至老董下至大學生都能齊聚一堂歡樂,大家全是衝著『ABV Bar & Kitchen』的品牌知名度而來,以酒精濃度「Alcohol By Volume」英文縮寫ABV作為餐廳名稱,旗下設有六大品牌,多達十間分店,版圖擴及基隆、大台北地區、新竹,每間餐酒館共通點都提供多達300款精釀啤酒,且每週固定更新3~40種啤酒口味,至今引進啤酒產地已超過全球30個國家,6,000支精釀啤酒,數字驚人!
我最愛的ABV餐酒館,繼上次瑪姬去他們在國父紀念館站的ABV地中海餐酒館, 現在又在忠孝敦化站一品大廈對面又隆重推出了第五間ABV美式餐酒館, 這裡有我愛的烤肉,牛排,肋排,烤半雞,真的是滿足了我
ABV 美式餐酒館是 2020 新開幕餐酒館之一, 精釀啤酒款式系列完整, 也提供美國各州著名料理的台北東區美式餐廳.ABV Americano restaurant is one of the newly-opened 2020 Bistro. Its craft beer collection is impressive. The restaurant offers All-States American Dishes.ABV 美式餐酒館 菜單在文末 》ABV Americano Menu is at the end of article
披薩有張臉菜單價格 並不是台北最便宜, 卻被放上許多饕客心裡的台北披薩餐廳推薦, 販售多款酒精飲料, 也算是台北大稻埕餐酒館推薦之一.Pizza Has A Face menu price is not the cheapest. However, it is still on Taipei Pizza Restaurant Recommendation list.披薩有張臉 菜單 在文末 》Pizza Has a Face Menu is at the end of Article
There are several pizza restaurants that we love in Taipei, but we recently tried one that ended up being our
台北東區巷內這家《Herban Kitchen Bar 二本餐廳》,是我非常喜歡且推薦的蔬食餐酒館多年來已經N訪,和不同朋友來到《Herban Kitchen Bar 二本餐廳》,不管是不是素食者都吃的很滿意菜單無論早午餐、義大利麵、燉飯、捲餅、私房菜都做的很夠水準,能在捷運忠孝敦化站開這麼多年,肯定是間高評價的美