台北市廣州街211號。 【國定古蹟】 ※ 06:00~22:00 ※ 為環保,僅留正殿前廣場一座香爐。  ◎ 貓大爺粉絲優惠懶人包(食衣住行通通有)  ◎ 貓大爺餐廳優惠訂位總整理(省荷包必看)  ◎ 貓大爺精選吃到飽餐廳特輯(附優惠訂位)  ◎ 貓大爺精選台灣酒店、飯店、旅館及民宿特輯(訂房優惠)  ◎ 貓大爺YouTube頻道(歡迎訂閱) 「艋舺龍山寺」是本貓最喜歡的一間廟宇,與「台北保安宮」
Longshan Temple - one of the oldest temples in Taipei. I would recommend coming here during the evening as the temple looks great lit up, plus you can take advantage of the Huaxi Street Night Market adjacent to the temple.
今年已經是瑪姬來看士林官邸菊花展的第4年了,自第一年來之後我就深深愛上這裡, 這天雖然天氣有點飄雨,但是我還是衝來了,每年的士林官邸都不定時有好多的花展,而且都是免費的, 還每一年都有不同的主題,
When to see the Changing of the Guard at the National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine, and the best way to travel there.
台北內湖的白石湖,位於白石湖休閒農業區內,由捷運內湖站轉小2公車就可以到了~ 白石湖這裡有個小小的步道,沿著步道可以到同心池,碧山巖,夫妻樹,還有草莓園區, 這屬於平緩的步道區,也很適合親子一起來
Known today as Kangding Road, the Bopiliao Historical Block is a well-preserved Qing Dynasty street which served as a great passage from here to the Guting District during the late 1800s.
Directly behind the building is a large outdoor drinking area that opens in the evening and is very popular with the LGBT community.
北投一處免費賞百萬夜景的好去處,不用爬山走步道就能到達觀景台,可以遠眺台北盆地、關渡平原、淡水河等風景,讓人沉醉的絕美夜景也是情侶約會的好去處。 位在北投的四季長廊觀景台可說是相當不錯的賞夜景好地方,
市定古蹟陽明山中山樓,是全世界唯一建於硫磺口的超大建築物,開放參觀,每天四個場次,也有機會造訪著名草早溫泉最大的溫泉露頭,就位於中山樓園區內。Yangmingshan Zhongshan Hall, a city-desinated historic site, is the only super-large b...
Lin An Tai Ancestral House ancestral house located in the northern part of Taipei city, Taiwan
空軍三重一村的前身是二次大戰期間日軍興建的防空砲陣地掩體, 負有保衛台北橋及台灣總督府的重要使命。戰後改為為空軍三重一村, 2006年政府將三重一村以全村登錄為歷史建築, 規劃為新北市眷村文化園區, 園區內仍然保存日治時代遺留下來的軍事甬道。The predecessor of the Air Force San...
Lin Family Mansion - FULL GUIDE for visiting this beautiful ancestral house and gardens located near Banqiao in Taipei