Close to the city, Battleship Rock Trail is an ever-popular walk, and on weekends in particular, you are likely to find it pretty crowded. But for those who are feeling brave it offers an easy after-dark adventure.
Close to the city, Battleship Rock Trail is an ever popular walk, and on weekends in particular you are likely to find it pretty crowded. But for those who are feeling brave it offers an easy after…
Qixing Shan attracts walkers year-round for its expansive views, bamboo-lined paths and volcanic geology. As Taipei’s highest mountain, it is a must-climb for the city’s population of a…
Back in late February, we hiked up Mt. Qixing 七星山 in Yangmingshan 陽明山, which is the highest peak in Taipei City at 1120M. Yes, my legs screamed bloody murder after. We took the trail from Lengshuik…
陽明山是台北熱門的旅遊景點之一陽明山四季都美,山林裡到處風光明媚不僅有浪漫公園,療癒森林,還有特色美食春夏正是賞海芋及繡球花的季節除了賞花,玩陽明山還能泡溫泉看夜景本篇整理20個陽明山景點懶人包下山再搭配北投景點一日遊,也能很充實KLOOK / 陽明山包車一日遊行程KLOOK / 陽明山北投一日遊攻略玩法
小南港山座落於台北南港展覽館附近,海拔只有90公尺,卻擁有非常的風景展望,是一座CP值很高的小山。附近的南港隧道,有1896年的隧道歷史遺跡。Xiaonangang Mountain is located near Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall. The mountain is o...
台北劍潭站有個步道劍潭山親山步道最頂端有個老地方觀機平台,爬到最上面可以看飛機,這裡景觀很美還是IG打卡的熱門景點, 我覺得是在台北市區算是很好走的步道,而且搭捷運就可以到,想要輕鬆爬個小山看看風景
Looking for the best view of Taipei City bar none? Forget Elephant Mountain and Taipei 101. Join Richard and Hugo as they take a hike up one of Yangmingshan ...
Jiuzhuang Shan is a small hill in Taipei’s Nangang District, immediately opposite the campus of Academia Sinica. A wander along the trails will introduce you to a number of distinguished academics …
Huangzuishan (磺嘴山) is a gorgeous, yet little known hike situated right in the middle of Taipei’s popular Yangmingshan National Park. Part of a protected area...
牛港稜步道位於觀音山遊客中心附近,步道全長約0.8公里,山頂有1895年出火號歷史遺址;步道終點旁的有一民國61年(1972)空難紀念碑,紀念當年軍事演習墜機的空難事件。步道終點的觀景平台,擁有絕佳的展望,可以俯瞰台北港及淡水河河口,視野遠及林口台地。The Niugangling Trail is locate...
白鷺鷥山,座落於大湖公園旁,海拔142公尺。從大湖公園的老公祠登山口上行, 大約半個時就可以輕鬆爬山白鷺鷥山,登山健行,又同時又可以悠遊大湖公園美麗的湖光山色。
四分里山, 又稱「南港山東峰」,就在我家附近。我利用下午的時間,來爬這座小山,並介紹在四分里山登山口附近,最近新發現的松山二坑古礦坑遺跡。