Walking Trail in Taiwan
  1. 臺灣
  2. 台灣
  3. 台湾

Eryanping Trail
Eryanping Trail
  1. 二延平步道
🏛️ Attraction ParkNatureWalking TrailSport
  1. Chiayi County
  2. Fanlu Township
  3. 台18線
  1. niniyeh.com
  2. last year

看阿里山日出和雲海不用登頂太辛苦,位於阿里山腰際的『隙頂二延平步道』就能輕鬆看阿里山奇景,這裡可是攝影愛好者的私房秘境,尤其絕美的雲瀑最佳觀賞處很多人不知道就在『二延平步道觀雲平台』,沿途一望無際的茶園也是美拍的嘉義景點,天氣好時站在制高點,還能遠眺嘉南平原,甚至雲林、高雄85大樓,就連澎湖花火節都能看煙火在高空綻放,如果想要捕捉日出雲海的壯闊,『二延平步道』絕對是一定要來的阿里山景點。 To witness the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds on Alishan without the need for a strenuous climb, you can easily experience the wonders of Alishan at the "Xiding-Eryanping Trail" located along the mountainside. This hidden gem is a haven for photography enthusiasts, particularly at the "Eryanping Trail Cloud Observation Platform," which offers the best view of the stunning cloud waterfall—a spot many are unaware of. The boundless tea plantations along the way also make for picturesque scenes in Chiayi. On clear days, standing at this vantage point allows you to gaze upon the Jiannan Plain, and even see as far as Yunlin and the 85 Sky Tower in Kaohsiung. You can even catch the fireworks of the Penghu Fireworks Festival lighting up the sky from up high. If you want to capture the grandeur of the sunrise and sea of clouds, visiting the "Xiding-Eryanping Trail" is an absolute must-visit attraction in Alishan.