5.1 Cafe Gallery


    • 拿铁 Latte @ 5.1 Cafe Gallery KL Sri Peraling
      拿铁 Latte @ 5.1 Cafe Gallery KL Sri Peraling
      1. Mar 15, 2020
      2. froggybitsoflife.blogspot.com
      3. Review

        The Cafe also offers brunch, western recipe like spaghetti, sandwich, toast, and western dishes.

      1. 5.1 Cafe Gallery@ Sri Petaling
        5.1 Cafe Gallery@ Sri Petaling
        1. Feb 21, 2019
        2. zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com
        3. Review


        1. 5.1 Cafe Gallery@Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
          5.1 Cafe Gallery@Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
          1. Dec 29, 2017
          2. emobananaboy.blogspot.com
          3. Review

            I personally like the Beauty & the Beast because is make from toast,nutella,strawberry,chocolate chips,topping cream & ice cream

          1. 5.1 Cafe Gallery, Sri Petaling
            5.1 Cafe Gallery, Sri Petaling
            1. Oct 18, 2017
            2. chillout-soulout-freakout.blogspot.com
            3. Review

              Overall, this restaurant has a decent coffee and delicious food. There are not much choices in their menu but it is enough to make me come back for more.

            1. Cafe Hopping with 8excite at 5.1 Cafe Gallery, Sri Petaling
              Cafe Hopping with 8excite at 5.1 Cafe Gallery, Sri Petaling
              1. Jun 21, 2017
              2. www.ohfishiee.com
              3. Review

                Overall, it is a satisfying delicious and affordable dining experience at 5.1 Cafe Gallery :) An ideal quiet place to chill and enjoy a wide variety of good waffles. It is a great experience of enjoying great food without burning a hole in the pocket. Thumbs up for the great promotion, convenience and user-friendly features that 8excite has. ❤

              1. 5.1 Cafe Gallery @ Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
                5.1 Cafe Gallery @ Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
                1. Dec 16, 2016
                2. sakthi-life.blogspot.com
                3. Review

                  Overall, it was a good dessert for me while waiting for my friend. Good service and nice desert and coffee. The total bill was RM 29.90.

                1. [吉隆坡] 5.1 Cafe Gallery | 孤傲的王子 sQuall's cuisine
                  [吉隆坡] 5.1 Cafe Gallery | 孤傲的王子 sQuall's cuisine
                  1. Aug 17, 2015
                  2. squallcuisine.com
                  3. Review

                    Crispy crunch banana RM10.90,吃不到蛋糕就點了份店家推薦的甜點。烤脆的墨西哥餅皮,塗了層花生醬,再搭配香蕉片,葡萄,鮮奶油和巧克力醬。這組合看似合理,但其實吃起來有點膩,加上深色盤子,這擺盤真的不那麼討喜。
