As You Like Hong Kong Chicken Pot - Solaris Mont Kiara
  1. 香港隨變燒烤麻辣雞煲-馬來西亞分店


  • As You Like Chicken Hotpot New Item (March)
    As You Like Chicken Hotpot New Item (March)
    1. Apr 18, 2018
    3. Review


    1. As You Like HK Chicken Pot CNY 2018
      As You Like HK Chicken Pot CNY 2018
      1. Feb 11, 2018
      3. Review

        首創「豪華版」材料豐富的【龍鳳呈祥】,在2月4日前訂購,這個豪華版雞煲才只賣 RM 338(原價 RM 388)。只限外帶!

      1. As You Like Hong Kong Chicken Pot @ Solaris, KL
        As You Like Hong Kong Chicken Pot @ Solaris, KL
        1. Dec 4, 2017
        3. Review

          Solaris is indeed an area that is well known for Korean food, As You Like Hong Kong Chicken Pot is one of the latest Chinese cuisine operating in this area. A brand that hail all the way from Hong Kong that operates their first outlet in Malaysia with remaining 5 in Hong Kong. I find that the cuisine is a perfect addition to the area which is lacking off. Something like steamboat but it is not. A Little summary would be a cuisine of a cross over of China Sze Chuan in Hong Kong Style.
