Built Custom Burgers


    • BUILT Custom Burgers @ NU Sentral Mall
      BUILT Custom Burgers @ NU Sentral Mall
      1. Apr 23, 2017
      2. www.applefoodees.com
      3. Review

        The burger is quite good too. It stays in shape even though I cut it in half. We ordered our beef burger medium cooked, hence the pinkish center.

      1. BUILT Custom Burger @ Nu Sentrall Mall
        BUILT Custom Burger @ Nu Sentrall Mall
        1. Apr 21, 2017
        2. www.vkeong.com
        3. Review

          Since everyone’s burger will be different, it is pointless to judge the taste. But I am pretty happy with my beef burger with a medium patty, brioche bun, cheddar cheese, sweet sriracha and ranch sauce. It looked great! As you can see, the patty is thick and tasted fresh because it was made to order.