Donkas Lab


    • Donkas Lab | FoodNote - My Food Journey and Honest Reviews
      Donkas Lab | FoodNote - My Food Journey and Honest Reviews
      1. Jul 13, 2021
      3. Review

        Red Carbonara Jampong (RM28) Comment: Surprisingly taste quite good as it is a Jampong with a carbonara twist, creamy and rich in flavor, very appetizing and you would actually crave for more after taking a bite. I am satisfied with the amount of pork belly they used for this dish, not forgetting your protein intake.

      1. 鸡肉泡菜汤配韩式炸猪排和饭 Kimchi Jigae w/Dongkas and Rice @ Donkas Lab PJ Sunway Geo
        鸡肉泡菜汤配韩式炸猪排和饭 Kimchi Jigae w/Dongkas and Rice @ Donkas Lab PJ Sunway Geo
        1. Jan 16, 2020
        3. Review

          The Tonkatsu, initially did not receive popularity in Korea as it is too "thick" (thick fried pork cutlet); so, the Korean version is different in that it is thinner and often traditionally served un-sliced.

        1. Sunway Geo Avenue DONKAS LAB韩国炸猪排店
          Sunway Geo Avenue DONKAS LAB韩国炸猪排店
          1. Sep 20, 2019
          3. Review

            DONKAS RM25 DONKAS应该就是招牌了 酱料非常好吃! 有点像cheese的味道,但又带点酸酸的,很开胃,不会吃到很腻 重点猪排真的很厚实,分量很足 店的氛围也很好,老板是韩国人,也很多韩国人光顾

          1. Donkas Lab
            Donkas Lab
            1. Sep 18, 2019
            3. Review

              Donkas Cheese Ramyun (RM 20) My gf settled on noodles where it was equally as good. The noodles were really chewy and it also satisfies her cheese cravings. Then, the donkas was paired really well with the broth where it was partially soggy and crispy.

            1. Donkas Lab @ Sunway Geo – Korean yumminess yawwww … very niceee!
              Donkas Lab @ Sunway Geo – Korean yumminess yawwww … very niceee!
              1. Sep 6, 2019
              3. Review

                The Donkas Cheese Ramyun was da bomb. There was a good dose of cheese on the top of the noodles that gave it a nice gooey,thick texture. Simply having it on its own was delicious but having it with some spicy broth was finger licking good. Then, there was the donkas – which I decided to have on its own. It was part crispy and part soggy due to being submerged in the broth. It simply was lovely.