• Lunch at Ground Eatery
    Lunch at Ground Eatery
    1. Jan 13, 2022
    2. journey.luasoftware.com
    3. Review

      Lunch set available around RM 15 with free ice lemon tea, or add on RM 7 to upgrade to Cappuccino. The food is actually of decent quality, with wife thinks it should have more sauce (too dry). I..

    1. Review: Ground Eatery, Bandar Puteri Puchong – Revamped Menu
      Review: Ground Eatery, Bandar Puteri Puchong – Revamped Menu
      1. Jul 3, 2020
      2. erisgoesto.com
      3. Review

        Unagi with Rice and Japanese curry with chicken karaage (above).The portion was very generous, with three huge chunks of fried chicken, rice wrapped in a perfectly fluffy omelette, flooded with a savoury curry sauce. Tastewise, it was pretty good although I felt that it could have benefited from extra seasoning (curry was quite bland). The chicken was excellent, and despite the large size it was juicy and thoroughly cooked, with crisp skin.

      1. Dinner at Ground Eatery
        Dinner at Ground Eatery
        1. Oct 6, 2019
        2. journey.luasoftware.com
        3. Review

          One of the decent cafe in Puchong.

        1. Ground Eatery @ Puchong – Sardine lover, rejoice!
          Ground Eatery @ Puchong – Sardine lover, rejoice!
          1. Nov 13, 2018
          2. thefoodbunny.com
          3. Review

            Spicy Sardine Oregano Pasta, 20 ringgit. For a sardine lover like myself, do imagine how delightful it was for me 🙂 Very. It sure was something different. How often do we come across this combination in cafes? Not often at all. The first thing that hits you is the tomato sauce, the sweet flavor it gives out helps in toning down the ‘sometimes’ overpowering flavor of sardines. The combination of both was totally da bomb! There was plenty of garnish – breadcrumbs, totally a perfect addition. The tomato sauce and sardine combo made the dish rather wet and with a generous portion of breadcrumbs gave it a crunchy, drier texture, which made it all even better. Man, I was in heaven.

          1. Eat: Celebrating Mother’s Day at Ground Eatery, Puchong | Carmen Hong
            Eat: Celebrating Mother’s Day at Ground Eatery, Puchong | Carmen Hong
            1. May 6, 2018
            2. carmenhong.com
            3. Review

              Once we were there, everyone pretended like it’s a food review and midways, a surprise menu was presented! This surprise menu is actually their Mother’s Day Menu which is priced at RM78 per pax. It’s actually three-course menu, consisting of appetizer, main course and dessert.

            1. Review: Ground Eatery, Bandar Puteri Puchong (Revisited)
              Review: Ground Eatery, Bandar Puteri Puchong (Revisited)
              1. Mar 20, 2018
              2. erisgoesto.com
              3. Review

                Our order of Chicken Bites took quite awhile to get to the table but I’m putting it down to the busy service they were having downstairs. Coated in crunchy cornflakes, the boneless pieces were tender, juicy and oh-so-addictive. The portion was very generous for its price.

              1. Ground Eatery @ Puchong
                Ground Eatery @ Puchong
                1. Nov 1, 2016
                2. felicia-grace.blogspot.com
                3. Review

                  Mentaiko Pasta - RM 19.00 Another dish recommended by the cafe owner, a mix dish of Western and Japanese. Cod Fish Roe and some Seaweed with Poached Egg in the middle on top of the pasta. This is one dish you guys should totally dig in. The taste is so delicate and the creamy texture just makes you wanna ask for more!

                1. [Food 食物] Ground Eatery @ Bandar Puteri Puchong
                  [Food 食物] Ground Eatery @ Bandar Puteri Puchong
                  1. Oct 25, 2016
                  2. travelwchew.wordpress.com
                  3. Review

                    偏愛它們家的 Pasta, 不管是creamy 還是 pesto的 (不吃番茄, 所以沒嘗試過). 雖然不吃番茄醬的我, 但我还是吃了他們家 Chicken bolognese (番茄醬+起司, 而且雞肉 Q Q 也很 juicyyy! 真的我不骗你, 我吃了两次). 还有还有我还喜欢他们家的羊肉, 虽然贵了点但值得呀, 香又有肉 (吃过太多羊肉没有肉的, 骨偏多). 至于饮料嘛, 咖啡系列还蛮香浓的 (偷偷告诉你个秘密, 外带的冰咖啡超大杯的, 比起内用的大杯, 相信我好吗?), 而且薰衣草饮料也蛮不错的, 尤其是薰衣草奶~ 他们家的蛋糕看似很美, 但我一次都没尝试过, 虽然去了很多次 (可能吃得太饱, 蛋糕塞不下咯)

                  1. Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong - KAMPUNGBOYCITYGAL
                    Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong - KAMPUNGBOYCITYGAL
                    1. Oct 9, 2016
                    2. kampungboycitygal.com
                    3. Review

                      Thanks to Shirley for having us. It was an epic brunch session and we enjoyed ourselves very much. So glad that we are able to introduce another cafe with not only great ambiance, but also great food and great services.

                    1. Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong
                      Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong
                      1. Sep 24, 2016
                      2. www.broughtup2share.com
                      3. Review

                        Its high ceiling with an adornment of greens from the tree branches and clever usage of some floral has made the ambience less concrete. It’s warm and cosy to stay in definitely, sipping your perfect cuppa while noming on your delicious dishes.

                      1. Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong
                        Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Puchong
                        1. May 14, 2016
                        2. july-shinyen.blogspot.com
                        3. Review

                          Hawaii Pizza 夏威夷披萨 最推就是他们家披萨,皮超薄的;皮薄馅多 起司用的好不客气,满满铺满在黄梨和火腿上头

                        1. Mother’s Day Brunch at Ground Eatery, PFCC Bandar Puteri Puchong
                          Mother’s Day Brunch at Ground Eatery, PFCC Bandar Puteri Puchong
                          1. May 1, 2016
                          2. www.msyummylicious.asia
                          3. Review

                            Cappucino @ RM10.00 Rating: 4.5/5 I love, love their cappucino! The espresso was so aromatic with the milk and foam thick and creamy. The barista really did a good job in frothing the foam. The foam were so tiny, it makes a luscious layer of micro foam on top! Aromatic, creamy and smooth cappucino... hmmm... definitely my instant boost of the day!

                          1. 城市里的一点绿意 Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Bandar Puteri Puchong
                            城市里的一点绿意 Ground Eatery @ PFCC, Bandar Puteri Puchong
                            1. Apr 22, 2016
                            2. zap-pa-lang.blogspot.com
                            3. Review


                            1. Ground Eatery Cafe @ PFCC Puchong, PJ | Malaysian Flavours
                              Ground Eatery Cafe @ PFCC Puchong, PJ | Malaysian Flavours
                              1. Mar 26, 2016
                              2. www.malaysianflavours.com
                              3. Review

                                The eggettes sheds some difference compare to Hong Kong real Gei Dan Zai. Crispy outside but densely filled within, hence more chewy, like eating traditional Chinese egg cake. Chicken floss comes in just right for a touch of savouriness, yet not overwhelmed, pairing well with tangy sweet berries sauce. Ice cream is something we like, not too sweet with very, very mild floral hints.

                              1. Ground Eatery, PFCC Bandar Putri Puchong | Eris Goes To
                                Ground Eatery, PFCC Bandar Putri Puchong | Eris Goes To
                                1. Sep 15, 2015
                                2. erisgoesto.wordpress.com
                                3. Review

                                  The cafe gave off a cozy vibe. Visitors are greeted with overhanging tree branches decorated with bird-cage lights, wooden tables and chairs, and a rough yet aesthetic brick wall on one side of the cafe. The interior is spacious with minimalist design and a clean, colourful counter-bar area with cakes on display.