Lumut之旅的最後一天,我們終於來到Pantai Remis體驗漁村小鎮風光。看看漁船,親自挑選新鮮魚獲,再品嚐當地人喜愛的美食。原本打算去海龜保育館探望海龜們,但遇到休館日(星期一),我們就到附近的海灘hea。休閒玩樂,還遇到女版椰子bomoh(巫師)作法!然後,造訪班台其中一家老字號家庭式餅鋪買手信。最後,...
霹雳班台2天1夜游行程 适合计划去霹雳实兆远、邦咯岛和太平旅行的朋友,班台Pantai Remis 是一个坐落在实兆远和太平之间渔村小镇 Pantai Remis,值得你在霹雳旅行中游走2天1夜。
Buy fresh seafood from fishermen. There are 5 to 6 places along the road. You probably need to call ahead to book some good catch. Also to bring along an ice box.
Place to buy peanut candy, there are few types, some good some not.
Good place to sample all kind of lical noodles and snacks.