7 Grapes


    • Food Blog | 7 Grapes Puteri Harbour — Bibz Eats
      Food Blog | 7 Grapes Puteri Harbour — Bibz Eats
      1. Nov 17, 2018
      2. www.bibzeats.com
      3. Review

        Hidden underneath the bright and glitzy Puteri Harbour is a cozy little restaurant in 7 Grapes. Although narrow in size, 7 Grapes offers a very wide menu which will definitely leave you wanting to taste other items on your menu (sorry for the pun).

      1. 沉醉在 7 Grapes Wine & Tapas 的夏夜钦点,那一场微醺料理飨宴!
        沉醉在 7 Grapes Wine & Tapas 的夏夜钦点,那一场微醺料理飨宴!
        1. Jan 22, 2018
        2. magistrate.my
        3. Review

          这家酒食馆,就算你滴酒不沾,点上他们家一桌的精心料理的「下酒菜」也能心生满足之情。同时也因这家位于 Puteri Harbour 的酒食馆稍不留神就会与之擦肩而过,若非友人的呼唤,大人将会错过夏夜的一场微醺料理飨宴呢!「请原谅大人一心以为酒馆的外观就该与深色系挂钩啊!」

        1. 7 Grapes Wines & Tapas @ Puteri Harbour Johor
          7 Grapes Wines & Tapas @ Puteri Harbour Johor
          1. Jan 5, 2018
          2. johorkaki.blogspot.com
          3. Review

            In case you feel a little famish after extended chilling out, there's no need to adjourn to a mamak shop for round two. Wrap up the session with pasta from 7 Grapes' kitchen such as this Seafood Linguine.
