Founded in 1936, the Japan Folk Crafts Museum promotes Mingei philosophy and handicrafts beauty to tourists across the globe. The Main Hall itself is a Registered Tangible Cultural Property of Japan while the interior is impressive in very much the same way. A special exhibition of Craft Works of th…
The Japan Folk Crafts Museum is a must see in Tokyo, for the crafts, and for the building built in Mingei style by Tochigi prefecture carpenters in 1936.
「日本民藝館」(目黒区駒場)で現在、柳宗悦の集めた民芸品からとくに「愛らしい」品々をピックアップした特別展「愛される民藝のかたちー館長 深澤直人がえらぶ」が開催されている。
前面筆耕幾篇這趟東京花見小旅行的文章,終於暖身好,準備進入"本番"的啦 ,這篇想寫的是"日本民藝館"。 旅行很有意思的,隨著不同年紀和興趣,規畫前往的景點或店家
All over Japan there are Folk Crafts Museums of various sizes and with different collections and yesterday I visited the one in the Tokyo, called the Japan Folk Crafts Museum (or 日本民藝館 in Japanese)…