Din Kee Beef Noodle located at Bukit Indah is well-loved by locals and regulars. They used to have a stall opposite KSL before expanding their scale of business to a shop at Bukit Indah. My dad and his friends used to visit his old place for the beef noodle. They even shared that the beef noodle here is better than the Tangkak’s beef noodle.
This is the best Beef Noodle I had in Johor Bahru thus far. Do note that the place might get crowded at its peak hours.
The dishes we tasted today were delicious. I suggest checking out Eugene's Grocery's set lunches for best value.
They don’t call wagyu the “Rolls Royce” of beef for no reason, and Eugene’s Grocery wanted diners to try the variants of wagyu so that we can compare the nuanced tastes side by side.
A main highlight of Eugene’s Grocery is their beef, imported from countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand and of course, Japan.