We absolutely loved our time on Pangkor Laut, even though there isn’t much to do other than relax, swim and eat. We felt we didn’t spend enough time there, and would have loved longer. It’s now my favourite resort in Malaysia, and I confess I have already been in touch to investigate returning, perhaps even before the end of the year!
Reasons to visit Pangkor Laut Resort: a luxury stay set amongst tropical gardens, rocky outcrops, emerald waters and beautiful rainforest; friendly staff; less than 4 hours by road from KL.
If we all look a little deep within ourselves, we’re all essentially travel junkies.
三天两夜的贴近大自然本地旅行就这样结束了,不管是马来西亚人还是外国人(指里先生)都觉得这个地方非常值得来玩。如果你不知道下一个周末小旅行可以去哪里,不妨考虑一下 Belum Rainforest Resort 吧! 住在吉隆坡的朋友要前往需要花比较长的时间,所以建议最少来个三天两夜,而想要热带雨林深度游的朋友可以考虑住上四天。住在北部城市如槟城的朋友开车只需三个小时左右,周末来个两天一夜非常不错呢!
我觉得如果一大群朋友一起来的话,可以租这个 Houseboat 两天一夜游玩呢!RM6400 可以住多达 16 个人,价格包含两天一夜的全部饮食及各种活动——轻松版的森林探索、到瀑布玩水,也可以到湖中划独舟或钓鱼!
当日入住率是 100%,我们被分配到两张单人床的房间,但没关系,因为两张床也可以合拼变成大床嘛。 房间设计走的是简约干净风格,但面积很大,非常宽敞!
ATV – A must must must. I have to admit that the slope was scary for me to ride downhill (get someone to do it if you are penakut, having said that I managed to ride down on my own at a slow speed). As for uphill, I ramp up selaju-lajunya ler. Hahhahaha….
Bukit Larut, formerly known as Maxwell Hill, is a hill resort to the east of Taiping.