Search punya search terjumpa dua tempat , Genting Cable Car dan juga Awana SkyWay , confuse pulak nak naik yang mana satu , tapi rupa-rupanya Genting Cable Car dah lama tutup dan di ganti dengan Awana SkyWay yang terletak di Genting Premium Outlet (GPO) , so korang boleh parking kereta di GPO dan naik tingkat paling atas sekali untuk naik cable car ni , parking kereta kat sini murah je . Korang boleh pilih sama ada nak park dalam GPO atau parking luar.
Dalam GPO ni ada banyak parking, kalau nak naik Awana SkyWay pun parking kat sini, nanti de bridge dari GPO ke Cable Car, caj parking RM8 per entry.
Today is the day Cow Cow and his girlfriend arrive. I picked them up at the airport at 8.30AM, and they are able to straight away check in at Four Points! Damned! Trying to go to the cable car as early as possible, we head straight to Oriental Village, thinking that we can find something…
Tempat yang paling wajib korang kena visit if datang Langkawi ni mestilah Langkawi Cable Car atau derang call it Skycab. Cable car ni terletak di Oriental ...
We had 2 days to choose for the Cable Car ride on this trip to Langkawi, because it's to avoid the bad weather. Fortunately, the 2nd day was a bright sunny day!
Go for the sunset river cruise (RM 30) with a visit to Pulau Bangau to watch thousands of migratory birds. A must do in Teluk Intan, absolutely worth it.
Our River Cruise was by Sahril Pekan Enterprise and we had Mr Sahril as our tour guide too.. He was definitely very knowledgeable and passionate about conserving the biodiversity of Teluk Intan as well as pretty knowledgeable in providing us all the details and facts of the places we passed by…
Your visit to Melaka is never complete if you did not take the 45 minutes cruise down the historic 9km long Melaka river (‘where all begins’) …
It's horrible to miss your flight (speaking from personal experience) and i made it a point to arrive earlier at the airport. This would be fine if the airport in question is Changi International Airport as there are so many things to do (like sunflower garden, movies, shopping) that time passes fast.
Shuttle services are available from 7am to 4pm and tickets can be bought at the Terminal counter. Single trip to any island will cost about RM 18. For those who like to go for Island
Marina and Jetty to Pulau Pangkor.
You might heard about the famous Kluang Kopitiam but did you know that the first Kluang Kopitiam is in Kluang Railway station?The Kluang railway station is a...
我覺得安順游船河真的物超所值:有游船河,有得看很美的夕陽,近距離觀看上萬只候鳥,還可以遇上萬鳥歸巢的情景,只需RM30。Teluk Intan Firefly Marvels Cruise #安順