Tung Ming Cafe


    • Stay at home…
      Stay at home…
      1. Mar 20, 2020
      2. suituapui.wordpress.com
      3. Review

        The coffee…was great and so was the mee…

      1. Save…
        1. Mar 22, 2019
        2. suituapui.wordpress.com
        3. Review

          Foochow fried noodles (RM3.80) When it was served, I was kind of disappointed as I would prefer the ones with the dark gravy…but once tossed…it would look pretty much the same, anyway. For one thing, I was very impressed by the amount of ingredients – elsewhere, one would hardly be able to see the bits of meat and vegetables with the naked eye. I am not all that fond of the vegetable though, the khiew chai (curly vegetable), great in soup – usually, they will use sawi and when it comes to fried noodles, I like that more.

        1. What they say…
          What they say…
          1. Jul 18, 2018
          2. suituapui.wordpress.com
          3. Review

            I should not be having anything too oily so I opted for the chin th’ng mee but with pian sip instead of the slices of meat (RM2.80)…and yes, I did quite enjoy it…along with my kopi-o that was only a ringgit a glass (small)
