原來當你換個角度,用心探索、用心感受,就會有嶄新的感受!你懂吉隆坡嗎?弱弱的說,有些地方我們還是第一次去呢!#kualalumpur #吉隆坡旅遊 #吉隆坡自由行 #吉隆坡景點 #KLtravel📍中央藝術坊 Central Market https://maps.app.goo.gl/DvNxjFyjKEdV...
Here are the Top Nine Cafes we visited in 2022.
The street art scene in Kuala Lumpur, and also the Klang Valley is growing and going places. Fueled by Penang's impetus, the street art scene here kicked off with some individual pieces at the Pudu area. Now, with the support of paint companies, it has grown and stretched to areas like Shah Alam & Klang too!