You arrive in Sapporo - the largest city on Japan’s northernmost island - with 48 hours to see as much as you can. What should you do? Find out here!
You might be surprised at the wide range of after-hours activities available to you in Sapporo, Hokkaido’s prefectural capital.
The Venice of the wild North.
Many Japanese travelers visit Hakodate on Hokkaido, but it remains unknown to most foreigners. Here’s what to do in Hakodate for those that want to see why.
Take advantage of the sensational Niseko experience provided by real estate lifestyle experts at H2 Group.
Renowned for its ski slopes, this Hokkaido town has plenty more to offer apart from the snow – for starters, one very eco-conscious fall foodie festival
Niseko has numerous evening foodie options, but Niseko Breakfast & Coffee spots are a bit trickier. Here are our top five recommend early morning breakfast options in Hirafu, Niseko.