Between October and early December, Hokkaido’s usually verdant forests turn into burning red, orange and yellow hues.
Traveling to Hokkaido in winter delivers gorgeous views and opportunities for adventure unlike anywhere else in Japan.
In the last part of Hokkaido’s Food Culture, let’s discover more must-eats. One very obvious the other might surprise you a little.
As you already heard in the first part of Hokkaido’s Food Culture, the giant northern Japanese island is very different from the Japan you think you know.
Hokkaido, the giant northern Japanese island is very different from the Japan you think you know and so is Hokkaido’s Food Culture.
What to do in Hokkaido, Japan, travel advice!
“手打そば いずみ食堂” 目立つ看板に信楽焼の狸の置物。 誰が見ても、正統派そばの店。
日本海オロロンラインをドライブがてら、是非立ち寄ってみてください。 ここでしか出会えないスープカレー、オススメです。
A stylish stay in snowy Hokkaido where you can go skiing all the way through April, Muwa Niseko is a luxury resort in the heart of Niseko.
Lake Akan or Akanko is a spectacular crater lake in Akan National Park covering about 13 km2 with gorgeous lookout spots from Mount Oakan-dake, Mount Meakan-dake, and the colorful Lake Onneto
Abashiri celebrates the arrival of the Siberian Okhotsk drift ice with a range of ice-related activities like drift Ice boat cruising, drift ice tours and smelt fishing.
A fascinating natural occurrence known as Ryuhyo, or drift ice, can be witnessed in a quaint port town located on the northeastern tip of Hokkaido.
You arrive in Sapporo - the largest city on Japan’s northernmost island - with 48 hours to see as much as you can. What should you do? Find out here!
Suageのスープカレーのスープは旨味が前面に押し出されていて、かなり好印象。 素揚げされた素材のコクとあっさり目のスープの相性も申し分なし。 今回は、「すあげスープ」を選んだが、今度は是非「ピリ辛」のグリーンスープも楽しんでみたい。
立食いそばの店“花ちゃん” サッと立ち寄って、温かいそばでランチタイムを… ではない、ここに来る人はみんな『げそ丼』目当てなのだ。
「手打ち 手切り 十割そば」の文字に思わず車を止めた、 “ななつほし”