[CLOSED] Lick A Spoon


    • Lick a Spoon @ SS 15, Subang Jaya – Cookie dough yumminess!
      Lick a Spoon @ SS 15, Subang Jaya – Cookie dough yumminess!
      1. Aug 31, 2019
      2. thefoodbunny.com
      3. Review

        Half & Half is basically a combination, 50 % cookie dough of choice and 50 % homemade Vanilla ice cream. They 5 cookie dough flavors at the moment. The Signature Original goes for 6 ringgit and the other 4 flavors – Brownie, Rainbow, Matcha are 7 ringgit each. For Half & Half, I opted for their Signature Original. It was surprisingly good. The cookie dough was moist and had a texture that was in between a brownie and fudge
