New Lucky Seafood Restaurant
  1. 新运海鲜酒楼


  • New Lucky Seafood Restaurant in Johor Bahru Taman Seri Tebrau 新运海鲜酒楼
    New Lucky Seafood Restaurant in Johor Bahru Taman Seri Tebrau 新运海鲜酒楼
    1. Apr 7, 2019
    3. Review

      We enjoyed the char kway teow but felt that the Superior Soup was just average. If we come back to try other dishes, we won't order the pig stomach soup again.

    1. Restoran New Lucky (新運海鮮酒樓)
      Restoran New Lucky (新運海鮮酒樓)
      1. Oct 8, 2018
      3. Review

        ​All in all, Restoran New Lucky will be a dining spot that I am most happy to share about because just how often do you get to savour in such exquisite delicacies for a fraction of the price as compared to in Singapore?

      1. Restaurant New Lucky // 新运海鲜酒楼
        Restaurant New Lucky // 新运海鲜酒楼
        1. Jan 19, 2012
        3. Review

          Food: 食物基本上都不错,新鲜,排盘干净整齐,分数3.5/5。Overall food is good and hygenic Price 价格比我预期中便宜,毕竟处在市区,分数4/5。Cheaper than expected Environment: 环境也不错,分数3.5/5,Comfortable Service: 但服务生水平需要提升,例如我预订了莲花包菜,但年关近,那天因为太繁忙没办法出这道菜,我到最后才知道。餐馆方面有做一些折扣给我作为补偿。服务生反应不够快,服务若要打分2.5/5,For service wise they did not reserve the dish that We pre-ordered, and the waiters are not responsive enough Overall 整体3.5/5.
