贪吃街的潮州粿你吃过了吗??你爱这家吗? 老板仍坚持古法,以平底锅认真的用文火将粿皮煎成内软外酥的口感,那才教我真正感动。 地址:Jalan Ali / Jalan Haji Abu, Muar, Johor 营业时间:11:00am – 6:00pm
麻坡游记, 麻坡2天1夜游, 麻坡吃吃喝喝, 麻坡怎样玩, 麻坡生蚝, 麻坡Otak, 麻坡贪吃街美食, 贪吃街懒人美食包, 麻坡住宿 Muo Boutique Hotel, 麻坡看日落, 麻坡 Muar Malaysia, 贪吃街老字号美食, 贪吃街四马路
这条贪吃街从头到尾短短不到100米,但街里却是卧虎藏龙美食云集,除了上面列出的以外, 新马两地的美食几乎都能在这里尝遍,像是炒萝卜糕、炒粿条、烧腊、金桔柠檬水、凉茶、甘蔗汁以及特色糕点——红龟粿,潮州粿等等。可说是应有尽有、包罗万象!
Jalan Haji Abu is the most popular foodstreet in Muar. Visitors have many foodstalls to choose from along this road . They sell drinks and foods of local ta...
#4 我們四人分食,可享用的小吃更多,在攤販旁咖啡店(Kopitiam)找好位子,大家各自解散去點餐。圖上就是傳統的雲吞麵(中約NT$40),用黑醬油著色與調味,加上一些甜味叉燒,在地人的美味啊!
Street stalls selling various snacks like yam and glutinous rice cakes. Those packets you see are chilli sauce.
这摊油条餐车的生意很好,看见许多人都前来选购。各式各样的炸品如油条,咸煎饼,煎堆都可以在这里找到。还发现了这里有一款特色小吃-- 乌达咖喱puff。由于天气炎热的关系,我们也没买来吃,就和香香脆脆的油条说再见了。
The noodles are slightly thicker and the texture is al dente, the char siew is nothing to shout about while the sauce is not that thick and sweet and it comes with hints of spiciness. Overall, this is quite enjoyable, something different than the sweet and thick dry noodles you find in KL.
If you are at Muar Glutton Street, Ah Choy Wan Tan Mee is a Must, if you love "red" wanton mee of the Singapore / Johor kind. (I know "black" wanton mee people won't like this 😜 )
麻坡貪吃街亚才云吞面.Jalan Haji Abu,Muar .被喻为“柔佛皇城”的麻坡虽然只是个小城镇,但仍保留着许多旧时代的建筑物,其中让不少人慕名而来的就是最著名的贪吃街(Jalan Haji Abu),里头有许多老字号的餐厅及路边摊,就算不用开车也能在这条街上边逛街边享用道地的美食。这里的人口以华人居多,...
One of the few standing Chwee Kueh stalls in Muar could be found at Jalan Yahya, just in front of the Toto shop. It is only open in the morning and has been a local favorite for breakfast for many years. The price is really cheap too, 10 of these delectable morsels cost only RM2. You could opt for 5 pieces for RM1 too if you want.