Frank's Bar - Kuala Lumpur


    • Frank’s Bar, Hidden Bar in Avenue K
      Frank’s Bar, Hidden Bar in Avenue K
      1. Dec 22, 2020
      3. Review

        Reasons to visit Frank’s Bar: the crooning of Frank Sinatra and a classy jazz vibe; heavy leather furniture and classic décor; and quite possibly the best cocktails in Kuala Lumpur.

      1. Frank’s Bar KL Review | Chew On This
        Frank’s Bar KL Review | Chew On This
        1. Dec 6, 2020
        3. Review

          For us here in the present, it's the sort of cocktail bar one can easily lounge in thanks to a cosy vibe. Big band-era music is fed through the speakers for guests to enjoy, just loud enough to serve as background music and for you to notice from time to time but not loud enough to turn your conversations into shouting matches.
