For Singaporeans who get tired of the mall's food in KSL Shopping mall, try walking along the food streets nearby. This is definitely a good try and pocket-saving.
Restoran Yit Foh Wanton Mee is a great place to enjoy delicious and affordable wanton noodles, and I’m happy to have discovered this eatery in Johor Bahru.
小编发现隐藏于KSL附近有一间住家式云吞面,分量不仅大而且面条还很Q弹,再加上老板大方给了好多片叉烧,住在附近的老饕一直都是回头客。😍另外也推荐这里自制豆腐花。勺起一口豆花放入口中,顺滑的豆腐花在口里化开,豆味在嘴里齿颊留香。 ⚠️ 这里只在晚上营业哦! 「住家云吞面」 地址:326, Jalan Dato Sulaiman, Taman Abad, 80250, Johor Bahru, Johor. 营业时间:每天6PM-12AM(周日休息) 欢迎关注我们: Facebook:食世纪 Food Century Instagram:@myfoodcentury Tiktok:my…
許多部落客推舉益和雲吞面為新山之最,我相信這其中多多少少有些個人念舊的情懷。 它確實不是很優秀,但幾十年來,伴著新山人一起走過的歲月,是兩三代人回憶裡珍視的美味,這些價值遠比食物的味道來得重要,也難怪益和能夠持續的受這麼多人愛戴,在新山保有不可侵占的一席之地。
Updated Dec 2019. Yit Foh wanton noodles is a well established brand 老品牌 that has been in business for over 30 years.