It was rather obvious that they were not very generous with the sambal unlike what we see in the photo and anyway, it was not very nice so it was no big deal that they gave just a spoonful of it. I loved the super spicy one at McD – this one sure paled in comparison.
The kampua mee…was very good and I loved that the guy used stewed pork unlike many other places where they would give you paper thin slices of boiled pork coloured red in the hope that it would look like char siew.
Well, they have a new guy now and I had his stewed pork noodles (RM5.00)…the other morning. Boy! It sure was very very good!
The kampua mee (RM3.00)…was a bit on the mild side. It could do with a bit more shallot oil/lard but they were very generous with the chili sauce – they gave one whole bottle of it unlike many places where they will give you a spoonful in one of those tiny saucers – so I could add all I wanted and I also tossed the pian sip with the mee and yes, I quite enjoyed it after that.
When it was served…I must say that I was a little disappointed as there was nothing else other than the egg. Thankfully, the noodles tasted all right, not the best nor the worse but I would not mind stopping by to eat this if I happen to be around there and no, you would not see me going out of my way for it.
The rice was not lemak, only very slightly and the salted fish was like it had been fried a long time ago… The sambal was all right, thankfully as it did help make the rice more palatable to some extent and the fried chicken was…like fried chicken.
I asked for the lor mee (RM6.00)…and it came in no time at all. Yes, it was very nice though I would not mind a thicker broth with a bit more egg in it – I could see some bits of the egg but there was so little of it, it might as well not have been there.
This time around, I asked for their pan mee (RM5.00)…and I would say that it wasn’t too bad. As a matter of fact, I had that a long time ago and I did enjoy it, just that I never came back for more as frankly, I’m not all that crazy about pan mee. To me, it’s just something that I may consider having sometimes for a change.
Of course, I had to buy some bread to eat it with and these days, I love toasting my bread with those grill pans, the one with lines so the toast would have lines on them…nicely toasted but not all brown and hard, lightly crusty on the outside, still soft on the inside.
My girl wanted the pasta al nero di seppia, the one with squid ink (RM24.00)…for what she called “the smell of the sea”. Yes, we all agreed that it was very nice, despite the colour and no, there was no unpleasant “chou chor” or fishy smell. I sure would not mind having that again the next time we drop by here. As a matter of fact, among the customers who came in after us, there was a big group and they too asked for the same. It sure is rather popular, it seems.