走入室內,發覺餐廳的面積真的不大。右邊兩張小圓形雲石餐桌相互依偎地靠向白色的右牆,還把牆角的精緻桌燈給遮掩了半邊。餐廳左邊則毫無規則地擺著又大又小的圓形餐桌。連同門外的三張餐桌,Ivy's Nyonya Cuisine大概只有不到十個餐座。朱紅色的墻面畫有攀岩植物狀的圖紋,還有一些鑲在鏡框中的圖畫作點綴。由天花板垂吊下來的鳥籠吊燈,甚有美感,可說是店裡最美的擺設了。對著室內用餐區域的小窗口,即是餐廳的櫃檯。在這旁邊,還有一條通往洗手間的小走廊,到處擺滿雜物。顯然的,餐廳的簡約裝潢從不打算譁眾取寵,反而毫無掩飾地保留了家的原貌,飄散著一股親切的味道。
阿参虾。推荐~ 这一道阿参虾让向日葵魂牵梦绕了三年, 味道还是保持着当年的水准。 这里的asam虾煎得干干的, 外壳裹上了一层浓浓的asam香味。 虾壳已经被煎得香酥可口, 连壳带肉地把虾子吃下都没问题。
When owner Mr Tan brings out his Beef Rendang (RM18), he proudly said that this is one of the restaurant’s signature. Indeed, the beef rendang has the right rempah – rich, thick, spicy and coconut-y enough. The meat is fork-tender, I gladly ordered a bowl of rice to pair with this.
I think everyone enjoy it very much. The fish is very fresh. There are lots of herbs used in this gulai tumis ikan. For me, the curry is not very spicy. I guessed my gal might like to try this when she wants some curry fish next time. This is one of the recipes that passed down by Tan's mother. Give it a try!