Founded in 1936, the Japan Folk Crafts Museum promotes Mingei philosophy and handicrafts beauty to tourists across the globe. The Main Hall itself is a Registered Tangible Cultural Property of Japan while the interior is impressive in very much the same way. A special exhibition of Craft Works of th…
The Japan Folk Crafts Museum is a must see in Tokyo, for the crafts, and for the building built in Mingei style by Tochigi prefecture carpenters in 1936.
The Imperial Palace and Garden is in the centre of Tokyo. Find out how to visit, what to do, admission and other tips for visiting.
《日清泡麵博物館》是我非常推薦的大阪景點,尤其適合親子旅行、情侶約會前往《日清泡麵博物館》的交通方式相當方便,入館參觀免預約、不用門票,是個雨天備案也能去的大阪景點只要500円就能DIY客製化一杯專屬日清杯麵,有趣好玩又兼具寓教於樂功能,做完的杯麵還可以讓你帶回家!日清杯麵博物館 大阪池田(安藤百福發明紀念館)
Located in the Ikeda ward of Osaka, the Cup Noodle museum is dedicated to everything “Cup Noodles” and its founder Momofuku Ando.
Visit the birthplace of everyone’s favorite instant meal, and even make your own!
Osaka Castle park and museum offer the most tranquil walks, breathtaking views, and historic lessons. Here’s everything you need to know about Osaka Castle.
Osaka Castle also called Osaka-jo in Japanese, is one of the famous Japanese Landmarks. It is a stunning monument of traditional Japanese Architechture.
An enduring symbol of the vibrant city’s dramatic past.
A surprising attraction in historic Kanazawa is the 21st Century Museum. For more modern culture, visit this playful yet thought-provoking art museum.
金沢21世紀美術館は前衛的な作品が多く、人によっては楽しめないかもしれない。 さらに「静かに観て周る」という、これまでの美術館の常識に囚われていると、困惑することになるだろう。
I hope this blog post inspires you to explore the wonders of Okayama Castle and discover its timeless beauty for yourself! Will I visit Okayama again? Well, I hope so in the future!
Okayama Castle’s more recent modifications are of a larger scale. One significant behind-the-scenes improvement — seismic reinforcement to protect against earthquake damage — may not be obvious, but other changes alter the way visitors interact with the castle and its exhibits.
「いしかわ百万石文化祭2023」は、第38回国民文化祭と第23回全国障害者芸術・文化祭の統一名称で、今回、「いしかわ百万石文化祭2023」に合わせて、石川県立美術館と国立工芸館が共同で開催する初の展覧会として「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川 ー麗しき美の煌めきー」が行われていました。
「国立工芸館」では、「ポケモン×工芸展―美とわざの大発見―」という、国立のミュージアムとしては柔らかめの展示がされていました。 なお、この展示は6月11日までです。
As one of the oldest original castles in Japan, completed in the early 1590s, Matsumoto Castle is a star attraction in Nagano Prefecture. It sits proudly at the centre of town, with the spectacular backdrop of the Japanese Alps. The iconic black and white tower is a marvel of Sengoku Period (Warring States Period) architecture and modern preservation techniques. Though it appears to have five stories, there is actually a secret sixth floor built in to disguise the number of troops inside. It’s a true one-of-a-kind.
One of Japan’s best historic castles.
Head to the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi for the best and boldest in Asian avant-garde plus jaw-dropping views of Tokyo city from 50 floors up!
A roster of world-class exhibitions make this sky-high art museum one of Japan’s best.
A visit to the Hakone Open Air Museum is an offbeat playground of a sculpture garden, set in a breathtaking landscape in the mountains of Hakone.
A ceramics museum with a beautiful Japanese garden and handicraft shop.
A visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is essential. Pay respects to the victims by hearing their stories about the 1945 atomic bomb.
A testimony to pain and despair where hope lies at the end of a dark journey.
Take a stroll through the history of east meets west in this picturesque garden with glorious views.
Glover Garden, one of Nagasaki’s best attractions, offers great insight into the early western settlers in Japan their in the late 1800s.
A blog that journal my travels, destinations and itineraries. Includes tips, best things to do, what to see and eat.
中山道是古代日本穿越江戶(現東京)到京都會經過的一條道路 中山道是連接長野跟岐阜兩邊的道路。 其中靠岐阜側的是馬籠宿,長野那側則是妻籠宿。 關於妻籠宿的介紹和從妻籠宿出發挑戰中山道的注意事
This week we visit 21 21 Design Sight’s latest exhibition, “Translations.” Full of interactive works, this exhibition is a must-see this season.
21-21 Design Sight is a very innovative museum. There is no permanent exhibit but rather original exhibits that rotatetop_poster every five to six months.
Without a doubt, the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo is the must-visit museum for any anime fan. Or actually, let me take that back, for anyone visiting Tokyo!
A whimsical wonderland that is heartbreakingly charming.
The Sapporo beer museum is the old iconic brewery of the beer that carries the name of the city it is brewed in it. Explore its history, tasting included!
If you are planning to visit Sapporo than you might ask yourself should you visit the Sapporo Beer Museum? And the answer is yes!
See works from artist residencies and exhibitions of Japanese and non-Japanese art
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum is the only art museum in the world dedicated to spotlighting modern and contemporary Asian art.
The Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館 Edo Tōkyō Hakubutsukan) in Ryogoku is one of our family’s top picks for visitors. One stop Tokyo history from the beginning.
Tokyo through the centuries at this funny-looking but seriously impressive museum.