All in all, the food was decent and I do not mind sinking myself into such local culture again for the breakfast. The place was unique with its locality.
Makanan dia semua dibungkus dalam kuantiti yang kecik so senang la korang habiskan sekali hadap ja. Tak ada istilah membazir kat situ. Aku rekomen korang makan apa yang aku order tu semua. Roti bakar, cucur bilis, nasi lemak, laksa Johor dan telur separuh masak semua best dan menyelerakan. Paling best sekali telur separuh masak dia tu. Wow sangat.
Nasi Lemak - Nothing luxurious hidden in the pack; just rice, peanuts and sambal chilli. Even though the rice was cold, you can't deny the richness of the coconut milk that enveloped each grain of rice. Chilli was the sweet and slightly spicy type i personally enjoyed. In summary, it's a small and simple appetizer to whet my appetite!
Serius sedap kopi dia. Patut lah ramai yang suka. Kedai kopi ni yang dekat stesen keretapi tu merupakan kedai kopi tertua di Kluang sejak tahun 1938. Dah berlalu lebih lapan dekad kauu! Dengan macam-macam kontroversinya pada satu ketika dulu, akhirnya mampu juga bertahan hingga ke hari ni. Murah rezeki ownernya.
Kepada penagih2 kopi yang tegarrrr, saya rekomen datang sini!! Kluang Coffee ni paling femes di Malaysia dan kalau nak rasa real punye kene la datang ke tempat original betul tak? Sejak 1935 lagi tau........tak main laaaa nescafe....oldtown kopitiam....... kopi jantan......(opsss!).
[Clockwise from the top] Curry Laksa, Mee Rebus and Chicken Curry PEGGY LOH drops in at the railway station kopitiam, enjoys a hot cu...
Not a bad "corner" to hangout at and I will definitely revisit again. Of course, not all are good and not are bad. As far for me, I like the curry chicken fried mantou and their classic kaya toast.