The pho soup was very flavorful, with lime juice squeeze into soup, it brought more flavor out from the soup. Very appetizing and can’t stop drinking it with the rice noodle. Didn’t feel thirsty after the meal (hear say indicator whether excessive MSG was used 🙂 ). The beef slices were tender even though it were well done.
Sauteed Sliced Lamb with lemongrass, onions & crispy spring roll RM18.90 The lamb was really nicely sauteed, it was fragrant and flavourful without overpowering the natural flavour of the lamb, but still keeping the natural flavour at a minimum, so the overall olfactory experience was above satisfactory.
Grilled Lemongrass Chicken Banh Mi tastes delicious. The sauce has a good kick of spicy in it and all the ingredients goes well together. However, my boyfriend commented that the chicken tastes frozen to him. Grilled Lemongrass Chicken Banh Mi @ RM 12.90