往往说起Tamn Perling大家是不是都会想起著名的Ayam Penyet,或是荣荣甜品,以及娘惹餐厅呢?其实在Perling这个卧虎藏龙的美食聚集地还隐藏了超多只有本地人才知道的人气美食!今天就让我们走访Perling一趟,来场美食巡礼吧! 1.世纪好味猪杂汤@金岭美食阁 想要走访Perling美食圣地,就一定要到金岭美食阁走一趟!经营超过30年的世纪好味的古早味猪杂汤,食材丰富又好吃。尤其是味道鲜甜不油腻的汤头,配上新鲜爽口的猪肝、心脏、猪肠、猪舌等内脏,让你一吃就赞不绝口!世纪好味的炖猪蹄也是值得一试的,不仅色泽非常好看,而且猪蹄非常入味,肉的质感也非常刚好不会太硬或太软。 世纪…
Simply and tasty Kway Teow Soup in Taman Perling.
Breakfast place in Taman Perling, Johor Bahru for your consideration.
There are many dishes we have not tried. I guess there will be many chances, we will be back there again.
Restaurant Nyonya Treats Cuisine is a no pork no lard place so it's suitable for our Muslim pals. The taste as overall was average to us and in fact, was on the saltier side. It will be more interesting to taste more Nyonya cuisines in Johor so as to compare more.
One of the Popular Dim Sum Places in Johor among Singaporeans.
With so many up trends cafe and dessert places in Johor Bahru, this is one of the few places that I had come across serving traditional hot and cold desserts like this. Desserts are decent, however, the service will make me have a second thought before revisiting the place.
位于新山Taman Perling的「家亲茶餐室」有着一碗被网友推爆的“北海仔虾面”!千万不要小看这碗虾面哦,又大又扎实的新鲜大虾,铺在熬煮多时的虾汤上,再撒上香酥的炸葱油,吃起来鲜甜浓郁,齿颊留香!😍 除了大虾,小编也非常推荐大家可以在虾面加入软骨,口感非常软嫩!😋 还可以加粉肠和猪尾哦! 这里还有“干捞虾面”、“鸳鸯面”和“卤面”。尤其是一半卤汁、一半虾汤的鸳鸯面,口味非常丰富,可以满足大家一次享用卤面和虾面的滋味!👍 「北海仔虾面」@ 「家亲茶餐室」 地址:159, Jalan Rawa, Taman Perling, 81200, Johor Bahru, Johor. 营业…
The food wasn't exquisite but there were quite nice dishes like the butter prawns and steamed grouper.
At any price point, I can't think of a better place than JB Taman Perling's 北海仔虾面 stall to indulge in prawn noodles with rich robust prawn stock and large fresh sea Tiger prawns.
Restoran MJ serves both poached and deep fried chicken. Mr. Leo said both are equally popular.