Generally, we quite liked the Smokehouse. The service was good, and the food was decent. The ambience was good enough that wife suggested we might stay at the hotel next time we visit Cameron Highlands.
Standing at 5,500-6000ft above sea level, Cameron Highlands is one of Malaysia’s oldest and “coolest” tourist resorts. Named after the British explorer and geologist William Cameron, the pla...
As the Yuletide season is approaching- which is just a few days’ shy away, it can’t help but to relive back the sweet memories of cozy and warm moment spent at the cooling pristine hills of Cameron Highlands, at the vintage crib of Ye Olde Smokehouse.
When I posted my check in at Smokehouse Hotel on Facebook, I was amazed to learned that three of my friends (a Spaniard, a Brit, and a German) had also staye...
Tea was served with proper tea leaves in a tea pot instead of just tea bags. Scones and sandwiches tasted pretty good. Sitting outdoor in the garden was really pleasant. The garden is very lively with many small birds flying and chipping around. We had a lovely time there.
Itu ruang tamu dan disebelah kiri tu lah dapurnya. Main masak-masak air bolehla. Selain pada tu tak dibenarkan. Klu lapar dia suruh makan buah atas meja tu ja. Haha. :D
We have always been a fan of awesome European architecture. One day, we would love to travel to European countries like England, Scotland, Rome, Italy etc etc to admire and to be amazed by one of the most unique architecture in the world. However, based on our current budget, we only afford to pay a visit to Ye Olde Smokehouse during our Cameron Trip. One day, we shall afford to travel to Europe! Definitely.
sungguh asyik menikmati hidangan scone di sini...dingin, tenang dan something to be treasured di sini...
Total Damage: RM127.60 Ambiance: 5/5 Service: 3/5 Food Serving Speed: Moderate Recommended?: Yes, for the scones
On a personal note, if you are expecting one of those SLH (Small Luxury Hotels), The Smokehouse is not one of them. It is more of an English themed Bed and Breakfast (B&B) but priced higher than the ordinary hotel. If you want to experience this English charm then try it out. Mind you that the place needs a major makeover in all areas.