Hakka Rang Restaurant
  1. 客家人饭店


  •  Hakka Rang Restaurant - Kota Damansara
    Hakka Rang Restaurant - Kota Damansara
    1. Mar 23, 2019
    2. klchin.blogspot.com
    3. Review

      A homely spacious family serving comfort food.

    1. Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店 @ Kota Damansara
      Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店 @ Kota Damansara
      1. Feb 12, 2016
      2. xander2203.blogspot.com
      3. Review

        客家料理。 可是味道还好,可能吃不习惯偏甜的煮法。 总结:⭐️⭐️

      1. Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店, Kota Damansara
        Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店, Kota Damansara
        1. Jan 1, 2015
        2. justanotherfoodaholic.blogspot.com
        3. Review

          2. Hakka style curry prawn 瓦煲香辣虾 (RM 25-35) Taste like curry, looks like curry but not your typical curry. They also added in some dried chill paste in it (if my tongue is not mistaken). A must order dish, i bet you can finish the whole bowl of rice just with this.

        1. Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店 , Dataran Sunway
          Hakka Rang Restaurant 客家人饭店 , Dataran Sunway
          1. May 19, 2014
          2. www.eddyrushfatboy.asia
          3. Review

            Me and Frens decide to have dinner at here since can saw it was full house from outside,style of dining here was like 叫菜吃饭...the feeling of dining here same as dining at own home,got that kind od of home feel..haha It just two us,so,we ordered 3 kind of dishes only for tonite..

          1. 客家人饭店 Hakka Rang Restaurant
            客家人饭店 Hakka Rang Restaurant
            1. Sep 16, 2011
            2. cocoeriley.blogspot.com
            3. Review

              今天要吃客家餐咯!开饭啦! 这是位于 Kota Damansara的客家人饭店。第一次品尝,我们都没有抱太大的期望。虽然它是点菜叫饭的类型,但还是有面类和饭类供选择,也蛮适合两人用餐。 客家菜让你联想到了什么菜肴呢?梅菜、算盘子、苦瓜、木耳、菜脯、 山猪肉、...

            1. 客家人饭店 ~ Hakka Rang Restaurant @ Kota Damansara
              客家人饭店 ~ Hakka Rang Restaurant @ Kota Damansara
              1. Jul 28, 2011
              2. ling239.blogspot.com
              3. Review

                家乡蒸石班鱼 (RM33.80): 配料很够味 不会遮盖了鱼的鲜味 Photobucket Steamed Grouper fish with homemade sauce (RM33.80): the homemade sauce is very tasty and yet we can still taste the freshness of the fish
