Zuzudo Ramen Bar is a new compact Ramen eatery housed within G Hotel Penang (at the al-fresco dining area between G Hotel and Gurney Plaza), the name 'Zuzu' resembles the sound when slurping noodles... in Japanese language; it does give some hints on how confident are they when it comes to their Ramen noodles. The usual menu seems impressive but the offering is limited during this soft launch period; the menu is dedicated entirely to serve Chicken Ramen (various flavors and no pork here). To our surprise, the prices are wallet-friendly yet, they don't skimp on serving portion; the only concern here is that the place gets warm especially on sultry hot afternoons so the heat-intolerant might find the lack of air-conditioner disturbing. If there's a Ramen lover in you, you should give this place a try.