All seafood here are very fresh and delicious
Ong Lai Kitchen Raja Uda 旺来小厨 - 家常小饭。。。。。顶瓜瓜!!
Always famous with ONE PERSON ONE FISH.
PRICE RANGE is reasonable.
How about One Fish per person for your meal? That may sound lavish but that's the norm for diners dining at Lan Je's place. The long-established (since 1978) name- Lan Je Steamed Tilapia (兰姐清蒸非洲鱼) from Rawang has finally opened its first branch in Penang (more than 13 branches across the nation)... at the bustling Jalan Raja Uda, Butterworth. It needs no elaborated menu, just a simple one that offers uncomplicated home-cooked dishes with their signature dish- Steamed Tilapia. Freshness is what they believe in and fortunately, the branch in Penang is able to live up that reputation, for serving some of the freshest catch in town. Ironically, the prices are well-maintained at unbeatable-low rate. The name has traveled far and attracted the attention of many gourmands; the past weekend at Lan Je's (Raja Uda branch) was extremely hectic. The restaurant opened at 5:30 pm (for dinner) but the place was already packed to the brim at 5:40 pm. If you intend to make a trip there in the near future, be sure to grab your seat as early as possible.
Dish that stood out for me was the Stir Fried Egg Plant, Steam Egg and the Beancurd. All this plus a stout came up to RM280 for about 12 of us, 6 adults, 6 children.
This is a good one...a real local Butterworth Cuisine.
The name "Ko Cha Mee" brings evocative images as one would be able to link that to the delicacies we used to enjoy during earlier days. Housed in one of the corner business lots at Raja Uda, Ko Cha Mee is a noodle specialist that offers something similar to "Lam-Mee". For the uninitiated, Lam Mee is closely linked to Nyonya families and often served during birthday celebrations as the dish signifies longevity; the flavorful broth is usually cooked with Prawns and Pork Ribs/ Chicken, complemented by a dash of home-made Sambal Belacan. Ko Cha Mee offers such a platform to savor the flavors of the past, but if you are looking for a variety, this is not a place for you as the small menu only specializes in noodles (with optional add-ons). Albeit the catchy name, we did not find the food outstanding nor worth the distance to travel all the way to Raja Uda; probably a regular Lam Mee in the neighborhood is on par with theirs.
For me - the taste is quite similar like Chinese Birthday Noodle (寿面).
据说这家餐馆是没使用任何味精的咧!而且是主打古早味,连 #面包都是碳烧的哟!还有#半熟蛋,#温泉蛋。
Ah Huat managed to win a lucky draw- FREE FISH ! King Hong Steam Fish... So - we ate free fish tonite!
广东小厨 Raja Uda - Curry.......haaa....very oily .......Cantonis guys not really good in making nice curry!
Enjoying good food.....
we can bring Malay friends to taste China Dim Sum now