Yong Peng Fish Ball
  1. 永平西刀鱼丸


  • Yong Peng Fish Ball, Melaka Raya
    Yong Peng Fish Ball, Melaka Raya
    1. Sep 17, 2016
    2. tailim.blogspot.com
    3. Review

      Apart from the usual noodles you can add on more ingredients to your noodle. I had a few pieces of Yong Tau Foo.

    1. Yong Peng Fish Ball @ Melaka Raya, Melaka
      Yong Peng Fish Ball @ Melaka Raya, Melaka
      1. Aug 6, 2013
      2. venoth.blogspot.com
      3. Review

        Overall, I would say that this is a good place to visit if you are looking for a good Yong Tau Foo meal and great fish balls. Besides those, they also have an array of other great dishes that comes at a very cheap price. Having kept opened 24 hours a day, this place is also great to visit when you need a simple, cheap but delicious supper. Definitely a recommended place!

      1. 马六甲美食:永平纯正西刀鱼丸
        1. Apr 12, 2010
        2. mylovelybluesky.com
        3. Review

          马六甲拉也永平西刀鱼丸专卖店,创店至今坚守着一个承诺,即只卖纯正的西刀鱼丸。店主陈龙胜多年来持守的营业宗旨是,如果没有新鲜的西刀鱼宁愿不做生意,而且卖的鱼丸绝对没有添加任何防腐剂,包你安全食用。 陈龙胜的专卖店一天内可制作上万粒的鱼丸,供门面、零售及批发用途。每天需要的西刀鱼数量大概300条,而且都是从马六甲、丰盛港、麻坡等地新鲜运抵,保 证货真价实。他说,即使鲜鱼的价格时常调升,可是他仍坚持采用西刀鱼,同时也以合理价格开店做生意。
