It has been a while since we posted Melaka food so this is one of the recent restaurant we visited this year. This is one of the hidden gems that is not popular with tourists. Low Yong Moh Dim Sum Restaurant opened since 1947 and it is one of the oldest restaurants in Melaka. They are located at 32, Jalan Tokong Melaka and they open daily for breakfast except Tuesdays. Low Yong Moh is owned by the Hakka from Fui Chiew.
Parsley Pork Dumpling – overall same as siu mai but have a strong flavor of parsley within the minced pork, taste-wise is great but still hate the super dried texture.
Still, its still a decent place for some food and a light breakfast.
Will I Return Again? It’s all for the old school ambience at Low Yong Moh Restaurant. While prices are cheap, the quality of the food is really average and I doubt I will return again.
In general, the items were tasty and we were pleased! We even bought home some 'big pau'. hahaha... Will return for more next time. Mum and Nicholas were happy... hahaha...
20150329 day4 榮茂茶室 → 附近廟宇走走看看 → 沿著馬六甲河散散步 → 馬來文化館 → 海盜公園 → 荷蘭廣場 → 維多利亞女皇噴泉→ 馬六甲鐘樓 → 三保
在我們快出發前幾天google到這一間港式的飲茶店 它就位於甘榜吉寧清真寺(Masjid Kampung Kling)對面 我們是把它當作早午餐來享用,這兒滿多當地人來坐著聊聊天的 真的還滿親民的裝
荣茂茶室坐落在打金街(Jalan Tukang Emas)的甘榜吉灵清真寺(Masjid Kampung Kling)的对面,这一家茶室创立于1947年,在二战之后由老板刘仁珊开设以卖包点和点心在马六甲占一席位,这家店的老板籍贯是海丰客家人,包点的味道有别一般常吃的广东点心包点。
The outlet is like an old-fashioned rustic tea house. Freshly steamed or fried dim sum are bought on a tray from table to table for the diners’ convenience. Prices ranges from RM1.00 to RM4.00. Looks like I found a place in Melaka for dim sum! 😀