The Baboon House is also a pet friendly restaurant. The Baboon House Location: No.89, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock Phone: +60 12-601 0363 Opening Hours: 1000 - 1700 Wednesday to Monday 1000 - 1900…
这家专卖汉堡很有名的马六甲咖啡馆我其实想去很久了,那时候还听说里面是不能拍照的哦,可是在我去的之前看到网友分享环境照片,大家都很惊讶,也不知道什么时候又让拍照了。这一次其实是2018年国庆日的时候我和老公出去走走,老公说我想去哪里都可以,我第一个就想到这里。 它其实很容易...
Ranked 2 out of 548 restaurants in Malacca, this place is the worst kept secret in Malacca. Despite its high rank and popularity, the place still exudes its unique style and provides all patrons with space to relax and enjoy a moment of tranquil peace from the usual bustling craze outside its doors.
不久前有位住美国的朋友问我知不知道马六甲有家吃汉堡的餐厅,在外国人的圈子里非常有名,店名叫 The Baboon House。我抓了下头,回答不知道哩,然后就被“羞辱”了一顿,什么有辱马六甲人的名声啦,这样也不知道啦这样的言论 :( 老娘今天就赶来雪耻了,马六甲竟然有家那么闻...
We had our lunch at The Baboon House as it is ranked No 1 in Tripadvisor Melaka. The cafe serves Burgers, Salad, and Beverages. The cafe wa...
THE BABOON HOUSE, MALACCA, MALAYSIA 89 Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, 75200 China Town, Malacca, Malaysia OVERALL RATING: 43/50 $ – $$ Unfortunately photos aren’t allowed of the premises so …
马六甲咖啡馆比起槟城来得早,可是在马六甲并没有槟城多的咖啡馆,每一家咖啡馆都保有本身独特的味道,说到荷兰街(Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock )的The Baboon House,相信去过的朋友都是对他们的“No Photo“特别有印象,他们在店里各角落都有牌子写着“No Photo“,这并不会把食客打退堂鼓,它本身就是窝藏一股魅力给食客爱上了它的环境和食物了。 马来西亚 2014年4月23日 星期三 The Baboon House这家咖啡馆得到了身边数个朋友大力推荐,前天在鸡场街游走的时候,迦南地咖啡艺术馆的Joseph带我来了The Baboon House,趁老板的空档…
Baboon House freezes time and allows the calm and quaint surrounding to engage dinners with serene and lots of greens and natural sunlight. Upon entering the narrow façade, this restored heritage is not only arty and filled with serenity but at the same time mesmerizing visitors through a time tunnel tracking back to the heritage of this building from its décor. Sit back and venture great gastronomical contentment with some furry friends roaming freely around the open space.
Teriyaki Pork Chop Burger (日式烧烤酱猪肉汉堡) RM 13.80~~ 味道不错。。。也蛮大个的还有配菜沙律和薯条。。。 好吃~~
Stepping inside this incredibly quaint cafe cum art gallery after walking several meters along those narrow and congested streets, under the scorching heat of Malaysian sun, from attending an Easter Sunday Mass at Christ Church Melaka, was truly a welcome respite. Its cool, soothing and relaxing amb…