1978 Cucur Udang - Sea Park


    • 1978 Cucur Udang Sea Park
      1978 Cucur Udang Sea Park
      1. Jul 27, 2022
      2. www.placesandfoods.com
      3. Review

        I love this 1978 cucur udang and that is the reason why I went to Sea Park to try it. This reminds me of my dad’s cucur udang that comes with generous amount of prawns with flavourful taste. I will come back again for more.

      1. 1978 Cucur Udang, Sea Park - Thokohmakan
        1978 Cucur Udang, Sea Park - Thokohmakan
        1. May 28, 2022
        2. thokohmakan.com
        3. Review

          Overall, we recommend these as a great snack for breakfast, lunch, or tear as they are open daily from 7am until 7pm. They serve their fritters with chilli sauce, but we always prefer to eat the fritters on their own. RECOMMENDED!
