
    • Five-HT @ Bangsar KL - Cravings For Don.
      Five-HT @ Bangsar KL - Cravings For Don.
      1. Mar 16, 2017
      3. Review

        For the past couple of days, I have been having cravings for Don (short for donburi - a Japanese rice bowl dish). Hence I decided to drop by Five-HT, a Japanese Fusion restaurant, for dinner. One of the reasons why I enjoy fusion food so much is because the amalgamation of flavors and textures, never ceased to surprise me. Marrying conventional ingredients the unconventional way - sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't, and at most instances, I'd never know what to expect. Five-HT however, was a little bit of a hit and miss for me. Tip: Stick to the Dons and the Coffees.

      1. FIVE-HT Cafe, Bangsar KL: Coffee x Japanese Donburi
        FIVE-HT Cafe, Bangsar KL: Coffee x Japanese Donburi
        1. Feb 25, 2017
        3. Review

          FIVE-HT (or 5HT) Cafe at Bangsar Kuala Lumpur (*Same row with Maria Steakhouse) raises the attention of cafe hoppers with their modern contemporary interior that carries cozy charm, but no trace of big breakfast, egg benedict, French toast or any creative food that can branch out from classic brunch favourite on the menu. Japanese rice bowl takes the center stage here, while keeping coffee as the focused beverage, with coffee beans proudly sourced from various countries.
